As usual, the summer was such a whirlwind! I can't believe school is starting and we're getting out pants. Everyone agrees we got jipped this year...we only went to the beach once! Not counting Holcombe trips that is. It was a good summer for visiting the zoo though...not too hot.
Anyway, I wanted to put out a short note on each of the kids so you can stay in the loop if you like!

Miss Natalie Jane had her heart surgery in April and has recovered very nicely. Her energy level has sky-rocketed, and she is working hard to catch up on the developmental milestones. She is receiving physical therapy from Kara at Children's West on Tuesdays for an hour (Kara was Isaiah's first PT). She is also receiving home visits Thursdays from Margaret, at PT from the school district. She can now sit on her own, move from sitting to belly, roll over both ways and go from belly to sitting. She recently started holding herself up on hands and knees and rocking. Natalie also scoots backwards on her belly too. She is 16 months old. Her eating is wonderful, and she is growing like a weed. About 22 pounds now, Natalie is still small for her age. But we like having a petite one! She is also getting her bottom molars in and the bottom teeth on either side of the middle two.

Words are coming slowly. She has mama, bye-bye, hi, bubba (jeremiah), brother (isaiah), mamma (grandma kelly), ya ya (grandma lori), and more down pretty good. Her right hand and leg can be oddly tight sometimes, and her delays have us seeing a neurologist. She will undergo a MRI at Mayo on October 12th, as well as see the cardiologist and undergo an echo to check on her heart. It will be an important visit. This is the first time they will be looking at her heart post-surgery and completely healed. They are hoping her whole heart has thinned out, because it was extra thick from working so hard pre-surgery. She may be able to come off her blood pressure meds if all looks good. We continue to manage her coumadin (bloodthinner). Tests involve weekly, or twice weekly finger pokes at our local clinic, which just HAPPENS to have a Coumadin Clinic. If we didn't have a Coumadin Clinic, she would have to have blood drawn from her arm, so it is a huge blessing. They check her INR, which is the time it takes her blood to clot. They adjust her medication often because her numbers fluctuate as she grows, and even according to what she eats, or how much fluid she is taking in. If Natalie did not take blood thinners, her artificial valve would clot and she could have a stroke, or die. No pressure, right? I try not to think about it. She hasn't missed a dose yet! Her scar is healing nicely, and a lot of it is fading. Sometimes I just listen to her heart, and I am so greatful for that ticking valve that saved her life.

Now for the least complicated one: Jeremiah Paul! Always full of energy and dragging all of us behind him. Jeepers starts pre-school on the 15th and he is so excited. He can't wait to go to school like his brother. He was disappointed that I have to take him...he though he would get a cool bus with a lift like Isaiah. He is growing, looking older, talking a lot and a smart cookie. He loves workbooks and computer games centered around letters, but doesn't get numbers as much. He draws, rides his big kids bike, plays bat cave with his brother and cousin Jaden, makes forts on the couch with ga ga would say, "he's a busy one." When I think about Jeremiah, I am reminded that he is sandwiched in between two seriously high-maintenance siblings. My heart aches for him in that way. His normal will always be so different. Jeremiah likes to tell jokes, and his favorite Sunday School song is "Awesome God." I wish I was as well rounded as he is! He is up around 7 am most morning and comes in my room to snuggle, asking me, "are you happy today mommy?" He knows his Mommy is not a morning person! Last week we went to an outdoor concert in Buffalo. We saw the Rockin' Hollywoods, and Annie, Sophie, Emily, Chelsea, well you get the drift...we were all there...and he had so much fun dancing down in front of the stage and being with his cousins. He really knows how to enjoy himself...I love that about him. I think I will miss him when he is at school! I know Isaiah will.
Speaking of Isaiah...he had a fantastic summer playing baseball with the West Metro Miracle League. His team was the Padres, and they had a great season! Isaiah even got a home run! The league is comprised of physically, and mentally handicapped children who love baseball. And some amazing coaches! If you ever want a good charity to give to, look them up. Isaiah Jeffery, my big Kinder gardener this year! First day is Tuesday, and his bus comes at 12:15pm and he is dropped off at 4pm. I think he is kind of looking forward to it...but he has always been a homebody. We have been working closely with teachers to get him ready. Isaiah has also been doing pool therapy (which he loves, but his last day is today), physical therapy, and occupational therapy visits paired up with speech as well. Usually we drop all therapy for the summer and have some time off, but he has been working so hard on a new communication system in OT/Speech. Marno (OT) and Dana (SP) have him using head switches and even his EYES to access a computer. Yes, he can just LOOK at a screen and it will activate it. There is such amazing technology right now! He is thriving under their directing, and we hope to trial a speaking device he can control with eye gaze at home. One he tried even had Sponge Bob as a voice option! Very funny. Speaking of funny, Isaiah has a great sense of humor (like his mommy). We were at the Children's Museum on Wednesday, and Clifford appeared behind us out of nowhere! We were doing a group activity with a parachute. Clifford joined right in and held the handle next to ours. Isaiah's eyes were so wide, and I whispered in his ear, "I bet that's not something you ever thought you'd see!" He cracked up and started laughing so hard he couldn't stand up anymore! Later, we were in a room with a stage and camera where you can make your own music video. They even have guitars and microphones to use. We spend a lot of time in there each you can imagine. Isaiah's favorite song to do is "All Star." Jeremiah got the song going, and guess who enters the room? Clifford! He picks up a guitar and starts jamming next to Isaiah! He was laughing so hard (so was I, by the way) he was crying and hardly breathing. "I bet that's something you thought you'd never see!" If you ask him about Clifford at the children's museum now, he still giggles! No camera that day though, but it's burned in my mind forever!
Other changes include a ramp on the house, a lift on our stairs, and a ramp on the van! We are using all of them well, and it makes so many things easier. I want to get a video of the van up so you can all see it sometime. Many of the donations we received went to the purchase of the van. Thank you again!
Matt was excited to learn he will be apart of a "work from home" pilot at work. No more driving 45 miles one way and paying for parking! God is good. This has been a prayer of his for two years! He will have to go in one day a week for meetings...but I have a feeling he will be glad to get out of the house!
I started school on Monday to be a nursing assistant. There are a lot of nursing homes in the area hiring, and after just one month I will be certified to work. I look forward to caring for the elderly population. I have great hope to bring them respect and dignity, and make their days brighter. God has put an incredible love and desire in my heart for this. I feel blessed that Mom, Christian and Matt are working extra hard with the kids so I can make this happen. Whew! Happy Labor Day and blessings on your holiday weekend!
Anyway, I wanted to put out a short note on each of the kids so you can stay in the loop if you like!
Miss Natalie Jane had her heart surgery in April and has recovered very nicely. Her energy level has sky-rocketed, and she is working hard to catch up on the developmental milestones. She is receiving physical therapy from Kara at Children's West on Tuesdays for an hour (Kara was Isaiah's first PT). She is also receiving home visits Thursdays from Margaret, at PT from the school district. She can now sit on her own, move from sitting to belly, roll over both ways and go from belly to sitting. She recently started holding herself up on hands and knees and rocking. Natalie also scoots backwards on her belly too. She is 16 months old. Her eating is wonderful, and she is growing like a weed. About 22 pounds now, Natalie is still small for her age. But we like having a petite one! She is also getting her bottom molars in and the bottom teeth on either side of the middle two.
Words are coming slowly. She has mama, bye-bye, hi, bubba (jeremiah), brother (isaiah), mamma (grandma kelly), ya ya (grandma lori), and more down pretty good. Her right hand and leg can be oddly tight sometimes, and her delays have us seeing a neurologist. She will undergo a MRI at Mayo on October 12th, as well as see the cardiologist and undergo an echo to check on her heart. It will be an important visit. This is the first time they will be looking at her heart post-surgery and completely healed. They are hoping her whole heart has thinned out, because it was extra thick from working so hard pre-surgery. She may be able to come off her blood pressure meds if all looks good. We continue to manage her coumadin (bloodthinner). Tests involve weekly, or twice weekly finger pokes at our local clinic, which just HAPPENS to have a Coumadin Clinic. If we didn't have a Coumadin Clinic, she would have to have blood drawn from her arm, so it is a huge blessing. They check her INR, which is the time it takes her blood to clot. They adjust her medication often because her numbers fluctuate as she grows, and even according to what she eats, or how much fluid she is taking in. If Natalie did not take blood thinners, her artificial valve would clot and she could have a stroke, or die. No pressure, right? I try not to think about it. She hasn't missed a dose yet! Her scar is healing nicely, and a lot of it is fading. Sometimes I just listen to her heart, and I am so greatful for that ticking valve that saved her life.
Now for the least complicated one: Jeremiah Paul! Always full of energy and dragging all of us behind him. Jeepers starts pre-school on the 15th and he is so excited. He can't wait to go to school like his brother. He was disappointed that I have to take him...he though he would get a cool bus with a lift like Isaiah. He is growing, looking older, talking a lot and a smart cookie. He loves workbooks and computer games centered around letters, but doesn't get numbers as much. He draws, rides his big kids bike, plays bat cave with his brother and cousin Jaden, makes forts on the couch with ga ga would say, "he's a busy one." When I think about Jeremiah, I am reminded that he is sandwiched in between two seriously high-maintenance siblings. My heart aches for him in that way. His normal will always be so different. Jeremiah likes to tell jokes, and his favorite Sunday School song is "Awesome God." I wish I was as well rounded as he is! He is up around 7 am most morning and comes in my room to snuggle, asking me, "are you happy today mommy?" He knows his Mommy is not a morning person! Last week we went to an outdoor concert in Buffalo. We saw the Rockin' Hollywoods, and Annie, Sophie, Emily, Chelsea, well you get the drift...we were all there...and he had so much fun dancing down in front of the stage and being with his cousins. He really knows how to enjoy himself...I love that about him. I think I will miss him when he is at school! I know Isaiah will.
Speaking of Isaiah...he had a fantastic summer playing baseball with the West Metro Miracle League. His team was the Padres, and they had a great season! Isaiah even got a home run! The league is comprised of physically, and mentally handicapped children who love baseball. And some amazing coaches! If you ever want a good charity to give to, look them up. Isaiah Jeffery, my big Kinder gardener this year! First day is Tuesday, and his bus comes at 12:15pm and he is dropped off at 4pm. I think he is kind of looking forward to it...but he has always been a homebody. We have been working closely with teachers to get him ready. Isaiah has also been doing pool therapy (which he loves, but his last day is today), physical therapy, and occupational therapy visits paired up with speech as well. Usually we drop all therapy for the summer and have some time off, but he has been working so hard on a new communication system in OT/Speech. Marno (OT) and Dana (SP) have him using head switches and even his EYES to access a computer. Yes, he can just LOOK at a screen and it will activate it. There is such amazing technology right now! He is thriving under their directing, and we hope to trial a speaking device he can control with eye gaze at home. One he tried even had Sponge Bob as a voice option! Very funny. Speaking of funny, Isaiah has a great sense of humor (like his mommy). We were at the Children's Museum on Wednesday, and Clifford appeared behind us out of nowhere! We were doing a group activity with a parachute. Clifford joined right in and held the handle next to ours. Isaiah's eyes were so wide, and I whispered in his ear, "I bet that's not something you ever thought you'd see!" He cracked up and started laughing so hard he couldn't stand up anymore! Later, we were in a room with a stage and camera where you can make your own music video. They even have guitars and microphones to use. We spend a lot of time in there each you can imagine. Isaiah's favorite song to do is "All Star." Jeremiah got the song going, and guess who enters the room? Clifford! He picks up a guitar and starts jamming next to Isaiah! He was laughing so hard (so was I, by the way) he was crying and hardly breathing. "I bet that's something you thought you'd never see!" If you ask him about Clifford at the children's museum now, he still giggles! No camera that day though, but it's burned in my mind forever!
Other changes include a ramp on the house, a lift on our stairs, and a ramp on the van! We are using all of them well, and it makes so many things easier. I want to get a video of the van up so you can all see it sometime. Many of the donations we received went to the purchase of the van. Thank you again!
Matt was excited to learn he will be apart of a "work from home" pilot at work. No more driving 45 miles one way and paying for parking! God is good. This has been a prayer of his for two years! He will have to go in one day a week for meetings...but I have a feeling he will be glad to get out of the house!
I started school on Monday to be a nursing assistant. There are a lot of nursing homes in the area hiring, and after just one month I will be certified to work. I look forward to caring for the elderly population. I have great hope to bring them respect and dignity, and make their days brighter. God has put an incredible love and desire in my heart for this. I feel blessed that Mom, Christian and Matt are working extra hard with the kids so I can make this happen. Whew! Happy Labor Day and blessings on your holiday weekend!
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