Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Isaiah's Birthday List!

Some of these are a little crazy, but Isaiah picked out everything himself! All of these items were found at Target...

Spiderman Battle Car
Diego Dinosaur Rescue Mountain
Diego Sea Glider
Diego Sky Glider
Hot Wheels Power Loop Stunt Set
Teck Deck Ramps and Skateboards
Command Force Micro Helicopter and Big Chopper (These are remote control helicopters on a base-Carter had one like it.)

Super Soccer Ball Pit and extra balls
Giant Cars Movie Activity Pad
Zoom-O Brand Power Pitch
Zoom-O Brand Disk Launcher
Wild Time Pin Print (the thing you press your hand on with all the pins and it makes your hamdprint)
Diego Play-doh set
O-Ball Football
Geo Trax High Flyin' Airport and extra plane (the blue and orange one)
BatCave by Imaginext and Batmobile

Movies: Backyardigans (any of them-he doesn't have any)
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Storybook Surprises
Upside down Show
Play with Me Sesame

Clothes: 5T Pants or adjustable waist in XS Boys
Shirts Boys XS or 5/6 He likes the guitar themes and "handsome" stripey button up shirts
Socks for Shoe size 10
Undershirts or A shirts 5/6

Okay, thats it! Hope it helps in your searches. Have a good week, see you at the party!