Today we got to know another family. It was great talking to a mom who knows first hand the struggles of raising high maintenance kids! One of their sons had stage four neuroglastoma (blood cancer) when he was one year old. He pulled through, but has tests often to watch for reaccurance. Another mom waiting for the other shoe to drop.
We enjoyed the fresh snow today by taking the kids for a sled ride! It is beautiful up here.

Isaiah and Natalie ride on the sled together! Matt said it was a bit heavy...

The entrance to Faith's Lodge. It looks like Lori and Jeff's basement!

Getting ready to make some s'mores. I've never roasted marshmellows in the winter before!

One big happy family with floppy hats. Some day our kids will be embaressed by this one.


Isaiah had so much fun roasting his marshmellows.

Quiet movie time back in the room.

Big TVs and comfy beds. The boys were in heaven!

Comfy couch and a warm Natalie Jane. Daddy's enjoying himself too.

Okay, is it just me, or she getting CUTER EVERY DAY!?! The second tooth is still pushing through, but she is being a trooper. She won the bear at family bingo tonight! Isaiah got a big Hotwheels car, and Jeremiah won a rescue chopper.

She is doing really well keeping her glasses on! Natalie is especially taken by books now that she has better vision. Her new word today was "all done." Really, she says it! I think we have another big talker on our hands.
We will be heading to Forest Lake tomorrow for the broomball tourny! I can't wait to fall on my butt. I ate lots of crap this week, so there should be extra padding. Hey, it
is a great excuse to eat those brownie bites...
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