Natalie is doing well! The last week has held some "Firsts..."

FIRST WORD! (Bye Bye with a wave! So cute!)
Natalie goes back to Mayo on March 2nd for another echo and to see her cardiologist again. We are praying that her condition has remained stable (not gotten any worse) and her heart is growing.
Natalie went to the Opthamologist (eye doctor) a couple weeks ago. She was diagnosed with severe far-sightedness (just like daddy and Isaiah) and will be undergoing surgery to correct her crossing on April 1st. Her eyes will appear straight immediately after surgery! The surgery will take place at Children's Minneapolis under the care of Dr. Freeman. He did Isaiah's surgery almost 5 years ago. She also got her first pair of glasses, which she loves to play with and take off! They are pink plastic rimmed and sooo cute. I'll try to catch a picture soon!
Natalie also started physical therapy at Children's West a couple weeks ago. Because Natalie is not sitting, rolling, or crawling independently (gross motor delays) she's going to be seen twice a month to help get her moving. We will also begin shopping for her flower-girl dress! Chelsea's wedding is only 16 weeks away!
Isaiah is also doing well. He loves pre-school this year, and will be attending Kindergarden Round-Up in March! I can't believe we are getting ready for SCHOOL! He is working Hard at Gillette using a computer system for communication. His therapists are doing a great job showing Isaiah the ropes, and helping us choose a good system he will use to talk to us! Everyone at school and therapy tell us he is so smart, and doing a great job.

School has also been good for his social life this year, and he has a couple friends he really enjoys. He will be attending his first "friend" birthday party on Saturday. Isaiah got the above science kit from aunty Kerry for Christmas. He has been enjoying making underwater volcanos and learning about acids and basis. He's our new science buff! He loves the show Sid the Science kid, too.
Oh, Jeremiah. We are neck deep in the terrific threes! His past times include playing the drums, drawing, basketball, golf and baseball (in the house). He knows all of his letters by sight, and can count to 20. He has been trying so hard to write his letters, but does not quite have the coordination yet. As a result, he gets very frusterated, and tends to be a perfectionist when it comes to art and writing! He can swing from totally happy and content to comeplete violent melt down in 5 seconds. He also decided naps are not needed any longer, and talking or singing constantly is.

He truly is a test of whole different set of parenting skills! I think I need to buy a book for this one!
A friend of our family is throwing a fundraiser for Natalie on February 28th. Check out the flyer below for more info!

Blessings on your week! Thank you all who have been holding us in prayer, and supported us financially.