After a very fast paced month with lots of therapy and school, Isaiah has comepleted his 30 day Constraint Therapy Program. Yeah! Grandma Kelly brought Isaiah to his last appointment with Marno with his cast on. Following the appointment his cast was removed. Hello Righty!
Isaiah was very happy to have his arm back.
Over the past 30 days Isaiah has reached some signicant milestones that include: lifting his arm at the shoulder, feeding himself with a fork, digging out a pumpkin for Halloween, and having experiences with Lefty painting and coloring. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for Lefty. Isaiah's attitude toward the cast was amazing and I am so grateful he got to have this experience in a positive way.
Over the next month Isaiah will continue his therapy with Marno and learn to use his hands together. Take a look at some pictures of the boys over the past couple of weeks.
Isaiah has fun with his cast and Grandma Kelly.
Have a Wonderful Weekend!