Whew! Long time no see! It has been a busy few months, but I can't really tell you what we've been up to! Just the typical whirlwind of young families I guess. We had another busy weekend with lots of fun and food.

Friday we left Uncle Christian in charge of Jeremiah and took Isaiah to Nate Bode's wedding. Matt knows Nate because they lived by eachother in Apple Valley back in the day. The ceremony was wonderful-complete with a gorgeous bride and a sweet flower girl. Isaiah was as handsome as could be in his tie and Mommy and Daddy didn't look too bad either! The dinner was a spread like I've never seen-a full buffet of sea food, fruit, pasta, spreads, veggies-unbelievable! Isaiah enjoyed dipping his pretzels in the chocolate fountain. The dance was Isaiah's favorite part. Mommy helped him bust a move in Zippie, and then he jumped out of his chair for some real moves! (Mommy was very sweaty-but it was lots of fun!) We headed home at about 11pm-way past all of our bed times!. Isaiah went right to sleep, and we were happy to hear that Jeepers was a good boy for Christian. Matt brought Christian home, and I started on Chelsea's Grad cake. It turned out wonderfully-even though I was half asleep!

Chelsea's graduation party went off with out a hitch. The luau theme was lots of fun-complete with leis and kisses from my mom. It was great to catch up with family and friends we don't see nearly enough. Volley ball and badmitten, and I mean BAD mitten were lots of fun. Everyone is excited to join us at The Ranch in July. After a bon fire and some "water" from the cooler, we headed home around 11:30 pm-another late night for mommy and daddy.
Sunday morning Matt let me sleep in-which was AWESOME-and we packed up and headed to the beach for a day on the boat and in the water. Jeremiah loved swimming and Isaiah couldn't get enough of driving the boat. We ran into the rest of the family and neighbors there and did some tubing too! We finished the night off with dinner at AppleBees and got home around 10pm with two pooped out boys that had a ton of fun!
This week we are visiting Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Lori at TeenServe as they finish up in Iowa Falls. We can't wait to join them and the rest of the family! I hope everyone's summer is going well. Blessings form the Plymouth LaBelle's.